Help us by making

Invisible children visible again

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Masechaba means:

‘Mother of the People‘

A safe haven

The Masechaba Foundation has been able to establish a daycare center for approximately 70 underprivileged children.

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Food program

On a daily basis we provide our children with a healthy and nutricious meal. Also, we support many families with fresh vegetables and groceries. With a one-off donation of €20,- one child receives a healthy meal for the duration of a month (€240,- per annum). The vegetables and groceries are either from own production or from local entrepreneurs and farmers.

€ 20,-

1 Child

A healthy meal for a month

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Eye measurement unit project

Poor eyesight results in illiteracy and low chances on education. By providing personalised spectacles, we "open eyes" and provide better chances to a brighter future. At the end of August 2015, we started realizing a permanent eye measurement unit for underprivileged children with an eye defect or vision problem.

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What can you do?

Underpriviledged children become visible again.

What are we doing?

We provide underprivileged children in the Bethlehem region (South Africa) access to better primary care, education, social skills and hygiene, resulting in a chance for a better future.

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What have we done?

In the timeline you can see at a glance what we have been able to achieve thanks to your help and support.

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