Stichting Masechaba
Foundation Masechaba has successfully established a daycare center catering to approximately 70 children in Bethlehem, South Africa.
On a daily basis we provide our children with a healthy and nutricious meal. Also, we support many families with fresh vegetables and groceries. With a one-off donation of €20,- one child receives a healthy meal for the duration of a month (€240,- per annum). The vegetables and groceries are either from own production or from local entrepreneurs and farmers.
€ 20,-
1 Child
A healthy meal for a month
Poor eyesight results in illiteracy and low chances on education. By providing personalised spectacles, we "open eyes" and provide better chances to a brighter future. At the end of August 2015, we started realizing a permanent eye measurement unit for underprivileged children with an eye defect or vision problem.
Underpriviledged children become visible again.