What do we do with your donation?

What do we do with your donation?

If you support Stichting Masechaba, you want transparency regarding the use of your donation. Discover how your money impacts underprivileged children in Bethlehem, South Africa, and how we allocate every euro to our projects.

Bishop Koopman Masechaba Building: Investing in the Future

In 2009, we established the Bishop Koopman Masechaba Building, a sustainable school building with an outdoor area and vegetable garden. Annual reservations cover maintenance costs such as depreciation, structural maintenance, utilities, and security, ensuring a safe haven for these children.

The operating costs include:

  • Depreciation
  • Structural maintenance
  • Maintenance of technical installations (electricity, heating, compressors, refrigeration equipment).
  • Ground maintenance
  • Utilities (electricity, gas, and water)
  • Security
  • Insurance
  • Taxes and government levies
  • Labor costs

This ensures the only safe haven where these children can find refuge.

Food Program: Daily Meals for 2,000 Children

Our food program provides daily meals for approximately 2,000 children. Donations are used for the operation of land, agricultural tools, fuel costs, and maintenance of the vegetable garden, ensuring food security.

Container Project: From the Netherlands to South Africa

With donations, we finance the shipment of containers with collected items to South Africa. Part of the donations is spent on the purchase and transport of these containers.

Education: Investing in Knowledge

Donations enable us to purchase new teaching materials annually, ranging from notebooks to practical lesson materials. Through the container project, we collect materials, and on-site, we buy additional teaching materials according to a wishlist.

Medical Equipment: Customized Care

For children in need of extra care, we purchase medical equipment such as balance materials, diapers, and children’s mattresses. Your donations make this care accessible.

Treats and Oversight: Small Joys and Rigorous Supervision

During work visits, children receive small treats. Stichting Masechaba ensures strict control: budgets, quotes, and/or invoices are reviewed in advance, and our contacts in South Africa oversee the execution of agreed-upon tasks on-site.

Board Remuneration Policy: 100% Dedication, No Compensation

Our board receives no compensation; overhead costs are 100% sponsored by board members themselves or sympathetic companies or individuals. Your donation goes directly to the projects, not to travel and accommodation expenses.
